Your Microwell heat pump is equipped with PV Ready solution enabling you to minimize your energy bill by powering your heat pump from photovoltaic energy source. You have several options how to operate your heat pump:
1.Maximum comfort – heat pump works as per your request on desired water temperature. This is recommended for users who target to achieve desired water temperature at all times.
Advantage: water temperature is always at your requested °C value.
Disadvantage: energy bill may be higher since system’s priority is water temperature
Technical set up: heat pump is connected and operated as described in User’s manual. Power generated from PV panels is used to lower monthly energy consumption but it is not necessary used to power the heat pump. The heat pump will work even if there isn’t enough power generated by PV panels.
Connection: On/off contacts 5-6 aren’t connected to gateway.
Compatibility PV: All ON-GRID, OFF-GRID or HYBRID PV systems.
Compatibility heat pump: all Microwell heat pumps
2.Maximum savings – heat pump will only work while there is enough power generated by PV panels.
Advantage: minimum energy bill.
Disadvantage: water temperature may not always be at your requested °C value.
Technical set up: heat pump is connected and operated as described in User’s manual. Power generated from PV panels is used directly to power your heat pump and your heat pump will not work unless there is sufficient power from PV panels.
Connection: On/off contacts 5-6 are connected to gateway or alternative and system is set to close (C) the contacts if PV generated power surpasses the power input of the heat pump.
In the case of sudden interruption in generated power (e.g. clouds), the heat pump will slowly decrease its speed. If the power comes back on, the heat pump will increase its speed again to requested set point. If the power keeps on being low, then the heat pump will be turned off. It is save to operate your Microwell heat pump in this way.
Please note that even in the case PV panels generate enough power, your heat pump may be off and not working. This can be the case if your requested water temperature is reached and there is no need for the heat pump to continue heating.
Compatibility PV: All OFF-GRID or HYBRID PV systems.
Compatibility heat pump: all Microwell heat pumps